Basildon Recorder noted (1Dec2010) that Dale Farm eviction could take six weeks to complete and on the 10March 2011 returned with more detail in a story:"Counting the cost of evicting Crays hill Travellers"
It will be an operation of unprecedented scale risk and complexity and is beyond the normal business of any Council.
Indications are that there will be a significant presence of other protestors some of whom(they go on to explain) have no connection with the site or even the Travellers.
This has prompted Essex Police to estimate costs of about £12m to police the operation.
One may compare this spectacular build up with the tawdry conclusion on the day of the eviction(19October2011) recorded verbatim in the Billericay Gazette.
"Basildon Council press conference;full transcript"
In part the Council confirms that it receives its intelligence from Essex Police but can not resist the temptation to pass some of this on when it states:
"Intelligence received indicated that protestors had stockpiled various items with the intent of using these against the Bailiffs and the Police...
the Police will give you more details on this at their briefing...."
As we all know the Police Spokesperson,giving nothing away on the day, spent his time successfully warding off questions from dozens of reporters and you can see him doing this on video clips recorded by BBC News/London.
Even the Information Document issued by the police five months later has nothing to say on these matters.
The Council Leader is quoted,giving himself,the Council,and the Police a pat on the back and telling us how they have all behaved professionally and that the protestors (previously referred to as anarchists in police press conferences)were in fact initiators of the violence even though most of them were still in their sleeping bags at 7am when the riot squad tore down fences and demolished walls to gain entry to the site.
the great train robbers all behaved "professionally"doing something that they should not have done.Here the police using maximum force were acting against their own professed strategy to conduct matters in a way tyo diminish disorder.The standard police manner of achieving this is to go SOFTLY/SOFTLY.