Tuesday, 27 August 2013

One year on.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the eviction.....
Much of the media local and national took only a passing interest and Aljazeera simply put out film they had taken in 2011.They did have a helicopter but this did not altogether prove helpful since a police helicopter hovered immediately in the line of vision.Their man on the ground did get to ask the police spokesperson why they had used so much force and got the stock answer "We have Intelligence."
Accompanying the pictures were some perceptive comments.They said that this operation had all the hallmarks of a government inspired and funded attempt to bolster the work of a local authority who were keen to rid themselves of an unwanted minority.Such activities were happening all over Europe.It was not new to them. 
Five months later in the police Information Document this was confirmed and the writers described how they had gone about persuading HMG to release considerable funds despite the usual restraints imposed by overall austerity measures.(even  the Bobbies were not immune to cuts and there was talk of station houses closing and- as far as I know-the stables being closed and the mounted police being disbanded.)
Helping the Leader of Basildon Council pursue his vendetta had become a Tory priority and he himself appeared alongside the ruined Dale Farm site to talk to camera.One question he faced was  put in an awkward fashion How could he as a leader of a cash-strapped Council afford to continue with such expensive adventures ? Clearly the reporter was unaware of the big money by which the government bankrolled both the police and the Council.He may also been deluded by the Council Leader's  air of invincibility in his crusade against the "Outsiders" who had come to live in Crays Hill.

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